All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Core Beliefs
The goal for all who attend Trinity Baptist Church is to know what you believe and why you believe it. We avoid being a religion, and focus on our belief in Christ as Lord and Savior who is available to all who call upon His Name.
God knows all, is above all, and is in all. He created the world in six days and is always in control of every part of what goes on in the world.
jesus christ
Jesus came to this earth to die for our sins. It was his purpose. He came to show an example of how to live and how to love. He lived a perfect life and was without sin. As the Lamb of God, He died on the cross for the sins of the world. All of this was because He loved each person. Being God in the flesh, He could see our past, present, and future sins, and knew He was to pay the price for them. All who believe and call upon His name shall be saved. He was buried, and resurrected from the dead. This is a picture of our being when we repent of our sins and accept Him into our hearts. We die to our previous self, have our sins buried, and become a new creation. Because of the blood of Jesus, we can be free. Jesus also ascended into Heaven and is interceding for each and every believer while sitting on the right hand of God. One day, a day no one knows when, Jesus will return to take His people who have accepted Him home with Him to Heaven. We cannot wait for that day!
holy spirit
Jesus said He would never leave nor forsake us as believers, so He promised and sent "the Comforter" in the form of the Holy Spirit. Being God, the Holy Spirit convicts the lost, directs and comforts believers, and permanently seals the believer. Many groups have added Non-Biblical attributes and falsehoods to the Holy Spirit and this has caused the belief in emotions and feelings as a basis for the quality of the individual's Christian life. We reject such over-emphasis in this regard.
heaven and hell
We believe by the Bible's description that these two places exist for different people. Those who accept Jesus Christ as Savior will be physically united with Him in Heaven, where Jesus currently sits on God's right hand interceding for all who will call upon His name. All people who have pass away knowing Jesus as Savior are in Heaven today waiting on the rest of us to get there either by passing away, or by rapture. All who have accepted Jesus Christ will spend eternity on streets of gold, with a mansion, and with Jesus. Hell is equally existent, and serves as the eternal punishment for all who reject Jesus Christ. It is a place of torment and pain, yet is eternal. Satan, his followers, and his demons will be cast into Hell at the Great Judgement at the end of the world. For all who pass away, the decisions made to accept Jesus or reject Jesus will be eternal. There is no reversing out of either place.
Jesus Christ is our salvation. All who are born into the world are born with a sinful nature. This can only be covered by the blood of Jesus. All who call upon His name shall be saved from the punishment of Hell. An individual must repent for the remission of their own sins. This must be done during the individual's life as this is a personal decision. Man is free to choose to accept or reject Jesus Christ. Once a person accepts Jesus Christ, they are saved for eternity. We refer to this as eternal security.
the bible as the scriptures
We believe that the Bible is the perfect guide as a "roadmap" for Christians to show how to live. The Bible has answers to all of the problems of life. It is perfect and complete. Trinity Baptist Church uses the King James Version in all messages, lessons, teachings, and examples.
We believe that all people since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden are born into an imperfect sin nature. All people need a Savior. Man was made in God's image, but by the choosing to disobey God, sin entered the world and caused a divide from God. We today are born into an imperfect life and are without defense or excuse for our sin.
The Church
We believe that the church is the body of believers who should assemble themselves together. It is not the building because, one day, it will burn. God's people should enjoy fellowship with one another. It is critical for each person's spiritual growth to spend time with fellow believers.
Satan, often referred to as the devil, is a real being that has forces working with him to accomplish the goal of keeping people out of God's Will of all living a life where the individual is saved and is living a pleasing life for God. Satan has power, but his power is far inferior to God and God's power. Satan is the enemy of all believers